Covid-19 end??

 The entire world is suffering from a novel CORONA virus (covid-19) for the past 8 - 9 months. Many countries have curfew till now, which caused people to become economically and mentally weaker. People around the world are having the same question,“when will the CORONA end??”.

Why we can't end Corona?:

Corona virus have developed many strains and a particular strain vaccine can't kill all the Corona virus strains. That's why pharmaceutical companies are struggling to produce vaccines.

Lack of PPE(personal productive equipments) masks, sanitizer etc., and poor knowledge among people caused curfew ineffective.

Fall in economy led the government to countermand the curfew, which caused increased risk of getting infection among people.

China, Italy and Spain had successfully controlled infection through curfew. But, India can't reduce the infection rates till now.

How can we end Corona?:

The only way to end Corona is by increasing the immune power of an individual, which can be achieved by Vaccination and development of Herd Immunity.

Vaccination,can increase the immune power locally which helps to fight against the foreign antigen. It is an artificial passive immunity.

Herd Immunity, is a resistance to the particular microbe by a certain group of population. It can be developed when the body produces antibodies which are strong enough to eliminate the foreign antigen.

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